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Life Cycle Assesment
To compare the impact of two systems, we will create a hypothetical scenario representing typical consumption for each product system. The Life cycle assessment is conducted using LCA software tools.
This assessment aims to compare greenhouse gas emissions and waste volume generated. It is based on a hypothetical scenario involving 1,000 stores using 30 displays per month over a 36-month period.
The emission data is derived from a comprehensive average dataset available in the LCA software and does not rely on a specific supply chain. displayCRATE has diligently worked to provide input data that accurately estimates the variables needed for the Life Cycle Assessment.
A system boundary is the set of criteria that determines which unit processes, inputs, outputs, and impacts are considered in an LCA.

Benchmark Concept :
Production, transportation & disposal of 30,000 Temporary Cardboard display units per month. (functional unit)
displayCRATE System :
Initial rollout of 30,000 reusable displayCRATE's + 30,000 dress up kits as well as the production, transportation & disposal of 30,000 dress up kits per month. (functional unit)

The graph below shows the cumulative CO2 emissions resulting from both the existing temporary cardboard display system and the displayCRATE system. These emissions are calculated using a monthly production quantity of 30,000 units.
Production of the reusable stand initially leads to higher emissions for the new system, but this is quickly offset by the use of dress-up kits, as the dress-up kit consistently produces significantly less emissions compared to the standard temporary display.

*Achieves a 75% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 36 months of implementation.
Prolonged utilisation of the display hive system will achieve further percentage reduction of emissions

Estimated savings in 3 years:
5.2 Million Kg in Co2 Equivalent Emissions and
3.3 Million Kg in Waste / Recycling reduction
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